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Let science fiction into reality to make the UK emotional robot
Views:2665  UpdateTime:2009-10-19
     Robots In essence nothing but dead machine. In a lot of science fiction, these robots had feelings there. Recently, the British launched a large multinational study of emotional robotics research projects. The project will be from 6 countries in Europe, 25 robotics experts, development experts, psychologists and neurological involvement is expected to make science fiction into reality.
     This study is to create my colleagues in an appropriate manner can be used for social and emotional communication robot, will last three years and cost 2.3 million euros. The researchers will be able to manufacture a range of and human interaction in the process of receiving sensory signals, and can adjust according to people's reaction to their actions robots.
     The project leader, Dr. Rolaca Na Meiluo that such a robot and the child and the world around from the mode of movement and emotional learning, forming their own behavior. These robots will be through a simple visual camera, sound and touch sensors, machines and people to identify the distance, and from the environment to obtain a response to their actions.
     Dr. Rolaca Namei Luo said that three years later, a simple emotional robots can come out will occur when two people can exchange robots, they are like people with emotions, you praise them when they are will laugh, you called them angry or sad when they will. Will spread until the emotional robot, the robot will be man's best friend, and in many one-child families, the robot will accompany kids were growing up. For some adults who do not want children, they may choose to make a robot companion.